When an external exam simply does not provide all the answers for your pet, our hospital is equipped with the most advanced imaging technology available. Digital X-ray imaging is becoming the standard of care for progressive veterinary hospitals, and it allows our doctors to make immediate decisions for the health of your pet. X-rays can be extremely beneficial in cases including:
- Fractures or breaks
- Objects swallowed by your pet
- Tumors
- Bladder stones
- Joint issues
- Other cases where physical exam does not reveal an underlying problem
In the majority of cases, our experienced doctors can use the radiograph to determine what may be wrong with your dog or cat. In special cases, a board-certified radiologist may be consulted. Using standard X-Ray films in the past, consultation would take many hours, as the film had to be taken to the office of the radiologist. Our digital imaging system allows our hospital to email your pet’s X-ray, saving valuable time for the life of your pet.