Five simple ways to keep your dog entertained

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Five simple ways to keep your dog entertained

Five simple ways to keep your dog entertained . . .
. . . while helping him stay inactive.

1. Teach Your Dog to Settle or Relax

Teach your dog to associate a word like settle or relax with having a calm, relaxed posture.

  • Ask your dog to lie down on a soft rug or bed. Softly pet and massage him while quietly saying settle or relax.
  • As he begins to relax, reward him with food and praise.
  • Continue to calm him until his facial expression is quiet and his breathing is soft.
  • Consider playing music created just for dogs to help set the mood.

2. Teach The Brain

Although the dog's movement is restricted, his mind is not, so try teaching new tricks or playing games to lessen boredom.

  • Teach your dog to “shake,” first with one hand and then another.
  • Teach “touch,” which is touching your hand with his nose on command.
  • Practice basics like “sit,” “stay” and “down.”
  • If you haven’t tried clicker training, use it to train your dog to follow quiet commands when he's in his crate.

3. Make Meals Last

Many dogs are fast eaters, so try new things to slow him down

  • Use a slow-release food toy or puzzle for kibble. Choose toys that release just a few pieces at a time to extend your dog’s play and keep him from having digestive issues.
  • Try a Kong or other chew toy that can be stuffed for canned food.
  • Your dog won’t be burning off calories because he won’t be exercising regularly, so you may need to reduce the amount of food your dog gets.

4. encourage them to chew

Chewing helps a dog ease his stress and anxiety, keeps his mind stimulated, and best of all, is fun, so invest in some quality long-lasting chew toys.

5. lots of love

Try replacing activity with affection.

  • You can sit with your dog as you read a book or watch TV.
  • Try reading aloud to your dog.
  • Use outdoor bathroom breaks as a time to sniff new spots but keep him on a leash to avoid sudden bursts of activity.

Post Treatment

Your pup will have to remain inactive for another month or so after the treatment is completed. We will explain how to safely reintroduce exercise into your dog’s routine when it’s time. While the journey to a full recovery from heartworms is long and difficult, keeping them calm and peaceful will allow your dog to get back on their feet as quickly as possible.